High Potential Episode 9's Ending Song Secretly Hints At What Happened To Morgan's Husband, Roman (2025)

Warning! Spoilers ahead for High Potential episode 9, "The RAMs."High Potential episode 9's ending song offers the biggest clue as to what happened to Morgan's missing first husband, Roman. ABC's newest hit series is based on the French show, HPI, which follows Kaitlin Olson's Morgan, a high-intellectual individual, who is recruited by the LAPD to be their consultant. Known for her eye for detail, she has helped Karadec and his team solve several crimes thus far, but what's not widely known is aside from compensation, her services come with a favor. Morgan has tapped the help of her boss, Selena, to crack the case of her missing first husband.

To say that following clues about what happened to Roman has been fruitless thus far would be an understatement. With nine episodes in, there's barely anything known about what led to his disappearance. For what it's worth, High Potential has been busy with other storylines. There has been a compelling case to solve every week, not to mention the task of establishing the rest of the cast. High Potential also set up Morgan's romance with Tom, only to break them up before something meaningful happened. Things change in "The RAMs," however, when a new lead surfaces about Roman's fate.

High Potential Episode 9 Ended With Fastball's "The Way"

Morgan & Conforth's Final Talk Is Accompanied By "The Way" In The Background

High Potential Episode 9's Ending Song Secretly Hints At What Happened To Morgan's Husband, Roman (1)

In High Potential episode 9, Soto and Morgan pursue Conforth, who is believed to have intel on Roman. He's coy, however, in terms of information. Even when the pair caters to his demands, he remains stingy when it comes to giving details about the case. That said, "The RAMs" effectively confirms that Conforth does known Roman during his final conversation with Morgan. While the talk itself doesn't share anything substantial with regard to cracking the case about Roman, High Potential episode 9's choice of ending music is particularly interesting, as it could offer new details about the mystery.


High Potential Episode 9 Showed Less Morgan, And It Made The Show So Much Better

Kaitlin Olson’s Morgan may be the main character of High Potential, but the hit procedural has more great characters waiting for their time to shine.


For context, "The RAMs" wraps up with a mellowed version of "The Way" — a song by American alternative rock band Fastball, which was released in 1998. High Potential's iteration of the track is performed by Rose Cousins (via tunefind), although the track is still unreleased. According to the site, however, there seems to be a plan to eventually roll out this version of the track.

Fastball's "The Way" Meaning Hints At Roman's Death

It May Be Too Late To Save Roman In High Potential

While the version of "The Way" used in High Potential remains unreleased, the meaning of its lyrics and the inspiration behind the song has been widely established. According to CBC, the song was inspired by Lela and Raymond who used to drive 15 miles from Salado to Temple, Texas, to attend their favorite fiddling festival. In 1997, they did exactly that, but instead of reaching their destination, they got lost because by then, Lela (83) was already showing signs of dementia while Raymond (88) just suffered from a stroke. The couple was eventually found to be dead in their Oldsmobile, at the bottom of a canyon far away from their intended destination.

So, while Morgan and Soto might be able to find out what happened to Roman, it could be too late to save him.

The inspiration behind "The Way" could be the reason why it was picked to be the ending song of High Potential episode 9 — the first outing in the show that provides some major development on Roman's case. Unfortunately, this means that the track is a secret indication as to the ultimate fate of Morgan's first husband. As Conforth warns, the mystery surrounding his disappearance is far more complicated and dangerous than a simple case. So, while Morgan and Soto might be able to find out what happened to Roman, it could be too late to save him.

Source: tunefind, CBC


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High Potential


Release Date
September 17, 2024


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Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant but unconventional mind, partners with a methodical detective after solving a crime during her job as a cleaner. Together, they form an unlikely but effective duo, blending her unique problem-solving skills with his by-the-book approach to tackle challenging cases​.

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Daphne, Morgan, Lev Oz Osman, Ava, Elliot, Selena, Karadec, Lieutenant Melon, Lin, Darius Farzan, CSI Tech, Regina, Anne Davis, Kyle, Letty Acosta, Lenore Donovan, Monica Davis, Brian Dimon

Drew Goddard

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High Potential Episode 9's Ending Song Secretly Hints At What Happened To Morgan's Husband, Roman (2025)
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